how we get the salt to your table

Our Process

We are a small batch company that takes great pride in going the extra nautical mile to produce this premium sea salt. There are no chemicals or outside agents. It is 100% natural. We simply use the wind, sun, and love of the sea to produce the finest pinch salt on the east coast.

A salty Boat Ride

Our salty adventures usually begin early in the morning as we load the boat and head through the inlet with the sun rising off our port side.

Beyond the turbidity

We set our compass heading on 180 degrees, making way to a point that is far from shore well beyond the limits of turbidity and contaminants associated with the mainland.

The deep blue ocean

We navigate to the blue ocean waters where the depths exceed 17 fathoms.

Collecting Water

At this location, weighted hoses are deployed with filter mesh bags connected to additional micron mesh filters at the pump we then bring up the Crystal Blue Seawater from the depths of Mother Ocean.

Blue Water Salt

The high nutrient, high salinity water is brought back to our island saltern, where we use our proprietary blended techniques utilizing new and old processes creating a beautiful nutrient-rich Blue Water salt.


Our sea salt is packaged on the island in its purest form. You will love the Beautiful white crystals and crunchy texture and it is easily served in larger crystals or simply pinched into finer finishing salt!

Give it a try!

Experience the difference for yourself!